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Exchange2007에서 사용자 그룹정책에 대한 내용입니다.
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Policies in Exchange are designed to enable flexible administration of large numbers of Exchange objects. A policy is a collection of configuration settings that can be applied to one or more Exchange objects of the same class. This blog post gives an overview of Exchange 2007 policies: E-mail Address Policy (EAP), Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, Unified Messaging (UM) mailbox policy, and managed folder mailbox policy. Policies available in Exchange 2003 that are removed or changed in Exchange 2007 are also covered.


사업자 정보 표시
(주)코레이즈 | 김창현 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 장미로42 5층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 144-81-08126 | TEL : 02-1833-5805 | Mail : sales@coraise.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기


예전에 미국에서 유명했던 깨진 유리창 이론입니다.
흥미로운 내용이죠..

저도 전산실을 관리하다 보면 이 이론이 참 맞아 떨어지는 것 같습니다.ㅎㅎ

 깨진 유리창(Broken Windows)법칙

 - 요약

1982년 범죄학자인 제임스 윌슨(James Q. Wilson)과 조지 켈링(George L. Kelling)은 새로운 범죄 예방 이론인 '깨진 유리창 법칙(Broken Windows Theory)'를 한 잡지에 게재했다.

누군가가 건물 유리창 하나를 깨뜨렸는데 만약 이를 고치지 않고 방치해 둔다면, 다른 사람들도 이 건물에는 관리
가 전혀 되지 않는다고 생각하고 나머지 유리창들도 깨뜨려 버려 결국에는 건물 유리창이 하나도 남아나지 않을 것
이라는 것이다. 즉, 경찰의 더욱 강한 순찰을 통해 주거 지역이 더욱 안전해진다는 이론이다. 80년대와 90년대를 거
치면서, 미국의 범죄 문제가 이슈화되었을 때 정치권에서도 자주 인용되던 이론이기도 하다. 이 이론에서 방치되어
더 나빠질 가능성이 있는 대상을 broken windows라고 부르기 시작했다.

사업자 정보 표시
(주)코레이즈 | 김창현 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 장미로42 5층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 144-81-08126 | TEL : 02-1833-5805 | Mail : sales@coraise.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

안녕하세요 빛향기고운데입니다.

돌아다니다 좋은 걸 발견했네요.
TechNet에서 만든 Exchange2007 아키텍쳐 포스터 입니다.

PDF파일로 올려드리니 다운 받아서 보시기 바랍니다.

사업자 정보 표시
(주)코레이즈 | 김창현 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 장미로42 5층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 144-81-08126 | TEL : 02-1833-5805 | Mail : sales@coraise.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

안녕하세요 빛향기고운데입니다.
Exchange에서 Pickup Folder를 테스트 하는 방법입니다.

* Telnet 을 이용하여 SMTP 접근후 TEST

telnet mailservername 25


mail from: email@test.com

rcpt to: email@destinationExchangeMailboxToTest.com


test message text

.    #must do single period then enter to end

  * message.eml 파일을 Notepad로 생성

Exchange의 Default Pickup 폴더로 이동후 생성한 eml File을 Convert To TMP

* 메세지가 정상적으로 도착했는지 확인

사업자 정보 표시
(주)코레이즈 | 김창현 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 장미로42 5층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 144-81-08126 | TEL : 02-1833-5805 | Mail : sales@coraise.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

방화벽이 있는 OCS 2007 & Exchange 2007 통합메세징 시스템 아키텍쳐 입니다.

Microsoft OCS 2007 and Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging Reference Architecture with Firewall Diagram 
  • Enhanced Presence
  • Instant Messaging (IM)
  • Audio and Video
  • Enterprise Voice
  • Web Conferencing
  • Federation and external access

The image below depicts the reference architecture for a pilot like this:


Finally, here's a table with the recommended Bill of Materials:


The architecture figure shows a single Edge server, because, for simplicity, we use the consolidated edge topology: the Access Edge Server, Web Conferencing Edge Server, and A/V Edge Server are collocated on a single computer.

Since the Edge server is placed on a perimeter network (or DMZ), the firewalls must be configured in order to allow the OCS network traffic. All the required ports are depicted on the next picture (the different Edge roles are shown as separate machines for better understanding, but only one server will be used).


Although Exchange Server 2007 is part of the Microsoft Unified Communications portfolio, it isn't listed here. I intentionally left it out, because usually the Exchange infrastructure is already in place. And after all don't forget, this is just for reference, there isn't such a thing as 2 equal customers with equal business needs.



사업자 정보 표시
(주)코레이즈 | 김창현 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 장미로42 5층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 144-81-08126 | TEL : 02-1833-5805 | Mail : sales@coraise.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

The previous sections listed the counters for the most common use of Exchange Servers—as mail-flow and mailbox servers. However, some organizations heavily use Exchange server roles, such as front-end servers and public folder servers. For those organizations, there are other performance issues that need to be monitored.

Looking at Front-End Servers

Front-end servers, such as those that serve Outlook Web Access, authentication, IP address checking, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, and encryption schemes, have security features that require significant processing. For these servers, you are likely to see increased processor activity, both in privileged and user mode, and an increase in the rate of context switches and interrupts. If the processors in the server cannot handle this increased load, queues are likely to develop.

If your front-end servers are using SSL, the Local Security Authentication Server (Lsass.exe) process may consume a large amount of CPU. This is because SSL processing occurs here at the server. This means that administrators used to monitoring CPU usage may see less processor consumed by the Inetinfo.exe process and more consumed by the Lsass.exe process.

Improving Front-End Server Performance

The following item describes how you can improve the front-end server performance:

·      Use hardware cryptographic accelerators

When there is extremely high SSL use, you can improve performance by using hardware cryptographic accelerators to offload the calculations and remove SSL from being a bottleneck.

Looking at Public Folder Servers

For public folder servers, it is important to understand that the replication traffic between public folders (if there is more than one public folder in the topology) can affect all the servers involved. Arrange the replication schedule of the servers so that a replication queue does not mount any public folder. Processing replication changes causes resource competition with the operations already occurring on the server.

Replication Mail Flow

Replication messages are received by SMTP, categorized and handed to the local SMTP queue. The messages are then submitted to the Public Folder store. Once they have been submitted to the Public Folder store the messages are put in the Replication Receive Queue. The messages in the Replication Receive Queue then get processed and the changes are performed on the appropriate Public Folder

Use the counter listed in the following table to determine whether there is any public folder performance degradation.

Performance Counter for Public Folder Server Receive Queue


Expected values

MSExchangeIS Public\Replication Receive Queue Size

Indicates the number of replication messages waiting to be processed.

·      This value should not go above 100.

·      This value should return to a minimum value between replication intervals


Improving Public Folder Server Performance

The following item describes how you can improve the public folder server performance:

·      Tune replication schedule to avoid queues

You can increase or decrease the frequency that a public folder replicates its content changes to other public folders. For some deployments, having replication contents replicate more frequently actually results in performance gains. These performance gains are possible because the increased replication frequency avoids big replication queues and involves less public folder content being replicated at a time.

However, if replication is never completing then you will see an unbounded growth of the Replication Receive Queue size. When changing the frequency of replication monitor this counter to ensure that replication is completing before the beginning of the next interval.

·      Minimize the number of replicas

Minimizing the number of replicas will also result in performance gains. In some cases multiple replicas of folders may have been added in order to distribute the load over multiple servers. A more effective way to balance the load would be to divide the folders across multiple servers.

For example, if you were to divide the folders between two servers such that each server had replicas of half the hierarchy that scenario would result in less load per server than if the two servers that had replicas of all the folders. Dividing the folders results in better performance because there will not be the added performance cost of replicating all the content changes between the servers.

·      Throttling Offline Address Book downloads to reduce network hit

Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003 Cached Mode increase the number of downloads of the Offline Address Book (OAB). These downloads may result in very high network utilization and may overload the network. By default, every client request for a full OAB is served immediately. Throttling the OAB downloads will help limit the effect on the network. See the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles for more information.

·      Throttling full offline Address Book downloads to limit the effect on a LAN in Exchange Server 2003

·      High network usage occurs while Outlook clients download the offline Address Book from Exchange 2003 at the same time

·      Structuring the Public Folder hierarchy

Reducing the number of direct subfolders will also help improve performance. A deeper and narrow hierarchy will have lower performance cost than a shallow and wide hierarchy. Limiting the number of direct subfolders for any given folder to 250 will reduce the cost of both replication and user actions.

·      Limiting the number of messages per folder

Limiting the number of messages for a public folder will reduce search and sort times on that folder. This will improve the client experience as well as reduce load on the server.

It is not uncommon for servers to experience multiple bottlenecks. It is important, however, to understand whether there are any causal relations occurring—that is, where one subsystem's performance issues spills over to another subsystem. For example, a CPU-bound server can build up queues, which causes unusually high use of the SMTP disks.

Because of the possibility of causal relations occurring between subsystems, analyze the performance logs with regard to: 

·      The role assigned to the server.

·      The cause or causes that trigger the performance degradation of one or more subsystems.

Generally, it is worth mitigating each bottleneck, and then seeing the effects of removing that malfunctioning piece of the puzzle. Otherwise, enforcing policies may be enough to mitigate issues caused by multiple bottlenecks. For instance, enforcing message sizes for POP3 retrievals can reduce the load on the database disk. However, enforcement may not be enough. There are many cases that will require upgrades or a redesign of the hardware.

Example of a Multiple Bottleneck

In this example, the Exchange server is a mailbox server that hosts 6,000 users. It is connected to three direct attach storage arrays: 

·      One array has the database.

·      Another array has the transaction logs.

·      The third array has the SMTP disks.

This Exchange server has two storage groups with two private databases, each database with 1,500 users. The SLA for backing up and restoring limits the number of storage groups to two.

The problem is that, during the daytime, users experience slow response as they use Microsoft® Office Outlook® in online mode.

Looking at the Symptoms

By collecting a performance log during the eight hours of day-time use for which this server is experiencing degraded performance, it becomes clear that the MSExchangeIS\RPC Requests counter is constantly around 60, and that some clients experience slow responses to the operations requested. Furthermore, the MSExchangeIS\RPC Averaged Latency counter is constantly hitting or going above 100 ms. These are clear symptoms of performance issues that need to be isolated.

Eight hours of day-time performance information


Analysis of the performance logs uncovered problems with the performance of the database drive, the log drive, and the CPU. The following sections indicate which performance counters were used to determine each problem.

Problem 1—Database drive with bad performance

The Exchange Server is connected to a Storage Area Network that cannot handle the I/O load. As shown in Figure 10, the write latencies on the database drive (as indicated by the PhysicalDisk\Average Disk sec/Write counter) average 62 ms, with frequent spikes above 80 ms and some above 100 ms.

Performance log of the database drive


Problem 1 Solution

By adding another array and controller, and then splitting the storage groups into separate arrays, the performance of the database drive improved.

Problem 2—Log drive with bad performance

As shown in the following figure, a slow transaction log drive is causing the Database\Log Record Stalls/sec counter to average 114 stalls/second, with constant spikes above 150 stalls/second. In addition, there are frequent log threads waiting as indicated by the Database\Log Record Stalls/sec counter, with spikes above 20.

Performance log of the transaction log drive


Problem 2 Solution

The controller responsible for the transaction logs was experiencing problems. The controller has the write-back cache disabled. The stalls subsided after replacing the old controller with a new controller that had a properly functioning write-back cache.

Problem 3—CPU-bound

As shown in the following figure, this server is experiencing high CPU usage (with the Processor\% Processor Time counter averaging 97%) and large processor queues (as indicated by the System\Processor Queue Length counter).

Performance log of CPU usage


Problem 3 Solution

The slowness on the database and transaction logs aggravated the CPU utilization, causing more context switches than necessary (an average of 50,000 on this performance log) and consequently over utilizing the CPU. By resolving the database issues in Problem 1 and the transaction logs issues in Problem 2, the CPU utilization problem shown in the figure in this problem is resolved as well.

사업자 정보 표시
(주)코레이즈 | 김창현 | 경기도 성남시 분당구 장미로42 5층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 144-81-08126 | TEL : 02-1833-5805 | Mail : sales@coraise.co.kr | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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